A. Tyc | Basic properties of h-regular local Noetherian rings | 1-15 |
A. Tyc | On h-regular grades algebras of characteristic p> 0 | 17-28 |
Y. Kodama J. Ono | On fine shape theory | 29-39 |
R. Russo | Universal continua | 41-60 |
J. Bourgain | Decomposition in the product of a measure space and a Polish space | 61-71 |
H. Tamano Y. Yajima | On total paracompactness and total metacompactness | 73-78 |
R. Tondra | Homeotopy groups of surfaces whose boundary is the union of 1-spheres | 79-85 |
T. Przymusiński | Normality and paracompactness in finite and countable Cartesian products | 87-104 |
L. Gallagher | Almost every tree function is independent | 105-114 |
K. Singh | Sequence of iterates of generalized contractions | 115-126 |
J. Herzog M. Steurich | Berechnung einiger Poincaré-Reihen | 127-145 |
T. Przymusiński E. van Douwen | Separable extensions of first countable spaces | 147-158 |
A. Das B. Lahiri | On absolutely kth continuous functions | 159-169 |
W. Holsztyński R. Strube | Universal maps of Cartesian products | 171-178 |
G. Reynolds M. Rice | Weakly Borel-complete topological spaces | 179-185 |
M. Nathanson | Classification problems in .K-categories | 187-197 |
S. Perlman | Functions of generalized variation | 199-211 |
S. Rodabaugh | Upper semicontinuous decompositions of convex metric spaces | 213-227 |
L. Lipshitz J. Becker | Remarks on the elementary theories of formal and convergent power series | 229-239 |
R. Millman A. Stehney | Riemanntan manifolds with many Killing vector fields | 241-247 |