J. Blass A. Glass D. Manski D. Meronk R. Steiner | Constants for lower bounds for linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers I. The general case | 1-14 |
J. Blass A. Glass D. Manski D. Meronk R. Steiner | Constants for lower bounds for linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers II. The homogeneous rational case | 15-22 |
F. Ramaroson | On the arithmetic of an elliptic curve over a $Z_{p}$-extension | 23-28 |
F. Howard | Congruences for the Stirling numbers and associated Stirling numbers | 29-41 |
R. Buttsworth K. Matthews | On some Markov matrices arising from the generalized Collatz mapping | 43-57 |
T. Funakura | On Kronecker's limit formula for Dirichlet series with periodic coefficients | 59-73 |
V. Fleckinger J. Cougnard | Modèle de Legendre d'une courbe elliptique à multiplication complexe et monogénéite d'anneaux d'entiers II | 75-81 |
D. Kornhauser | On the smallest solution to the general binary quadratic Diophantine equation | 83-94 |
P. Kunth | Über die asymptotische Dichte gewisser Teilmengen der natrlichen Zahlen | 95-106 |
J. Cassels | Trygve Nagell | 109-112 |
. | Publications of Trygve Nagell | 113-118 |
P. Liardet | Some metric properties of subsequences | 119-135 |
M. Toyoizumi | Remarks on the upper bound for L(1,χ) | 137-140 |
T. Agoh | On the Kummer-Mirimanoff congruences | 141-156 |
M. Horie K. Horie | CM-fields and exponents of their ideal class groups | 157-170 |
R. Laun | Darstellung total positiver ganzer algebraischer Zahlen als Summe N-freier Zahlen | 171-190 |
A. Schinzel P. Erdős | On the greatest prime factor of $prod^{x}_{k=1}f(k)$ | 191-200 |
С. Туляганов | О распределении значений мультипликативных функций на арифметической прогрессии | 201-227 |
M. Toyoizumi | On certain character sums | 229-232 |
J. Bézivin | Indépendance linéaire des valeurs des solutions transcendantes de certaines équations fonctionnelles II | 233-240 |
J. Sander | On the (3N+1)-conjecture | 241-248 |
T. Xuan | The average order of $d_{k}(n)$ over integers free of large prime factors | 249-260 |
J. Cilleruelo | $B_{2}$-sequences whose terms are squares | 261-265 |
P. Morton | Governing fields for the 2-classgroup of $Q(sqrt{-q_{1}q_{2}p})$ and a related reciprocity law | 267-290 |
Y. Sueyoshi | Explicit reciprocity laws on relative Lubin-Tate groups | 291-299 |
K. Alniaçik | Representation of real numbers as sums of $U_{2}$-numbers | 301-310 |
S. Kalpazidou A. Knopfmacher J. Knopfmacher | Lüroth-type alternating series representations for real numbers | 311-322 |
D. Wolke | Über die zahlentheoretische funktion ω(n) | 323-331 |
H. Faure | Discrépance quadratique de la suite de van der Corput et de sa symétrique | 333-350 |
K. Ramachandra R. Balasubramanian | An alternative approach to a theorem of Tom Meurman | 351-364 |
J. Wu | Sur la suite des nombres premiers jumeaux | 365-394 |