S. Zhou | On approximation by Lagrange interpolating polynomials for a subset of the space of continuous functions | 1-5 |
B. Florkiewicz M. Kuchta | Some quadratic integral inequalities of first order | 7-18 |
M. Teply B. Torrecillas | Weak Baer modules over graded rings | 19-31 |
M. Szyszkowski | On axial maps of the direct product of finite sets | 33-37 |
D. Repovš U. Karimov | On ˇH^n -bubbles in n-dimensional compacta | 39-51 |
M. Szyjewski | On the Witt ring of a relative projective line | 53-78 |
E. Ligocka | On quasiregular polynomial mappings | 79-89 |
G. Zwara | Degenerations for modules over representation-finite self-injective algebras | 91-95 |
W. Jelonek | K-contact a-manifolds | 97-103 |
H. Krause | Functors on locally finitely presented additive categories | 105-132 |
P. Sjögren G. Gaudry | Singular integrals on the complex affine group | 133-148 |
J. Mycielski | Non-amenable groups with amenable action and some paradoxical decompositions in the plane | 149-157 |
D. Drissi | Local spectrum and Kaplansky’s theorem on algebraic operators | 159-165 |
K. Nowak | On the intersection multiplicity of images under an etale morphism | 167-174 |
R. Ayala M. Chávez A. Quintero | On the planarity of Peano generalized continua: An extension of a theorem of S. Claytor | 175-181 |
T. Hübner | Rank additivity for quasi-tilted algebras of canonical type | 183-193 |
J. Charatonik W. Charatonik | Hereditarily weakly confluent induced mappings are homeomorphisms | 195-203 |
S. Louboutin | The imaginary cyclic sextic fields with class numbers equal to their genus class numbers | 205-212 |
D. Simson R. Göbel | Embeddings of Kronecker modules into the category of prinjective modules and the endomorphism ring problem | 213-244 |
D. Wrzosek P. Laurencot | The Becker–Döring model with diffusion. I. Basic properties of solutions | 245-269 |
S. Basu T. Rao | Some stability results for asymptotic norming properties of Banach spaces | 271-284 |
J. Mierczyński | Invariant manifolds for one-dimensional parabolic partial differential equations of second order | 285-314 |