K. Maurin L. Maurin | Spektraltheorie separierbarer Operatoren | 1-29 |
S. Balcerzyk | Power series as orthogonal expansions | 31-39 |
A. Felzenbaum | Metric properties of normed algebras | 41-51 |
D. Waterman T. Nishiura | Reflexivity and summability | 53-57 |
Z. Semadeni | Spaces of continuous functions (VI) | 59-84 |
H. Marcinkowska | On the differentiability of weak solutions of certain non-elliptic equations II | 85-103 |
G. Freud S. Knapowski | On linear processes of approximation (I) | 105-112 |
L. Leindler | Über unbedingte Konvergenz der Orthogonalreihen mit strukturellen Bedingungen | 113-117 |
Z. Zieleźny G. Temple | On Fourier transform of rapidly increasing distributions | 119-140 |
Z. Ciesielski | Properties of the orthonormal Franklin system | 141-157 |
Z. Semadeni | Generalizations of Bohr's theorem on Fourier series with independent characters | 159-179 |
S. Rolewicz | Entire functions in Bo-algebras containing dense division algebras | 181-187 |
G. Weiss R. O'Neil | The Hilbert transform and rearrangement of functions | 189-198 |
R. James | Characterizations of feflexivity | 205-216 |
K. Urbanik | Generalized convolutions | 217-245 |
A. Zygmund E. Stein | On the differentiability of functions | 247-283 |
J. Kisyński | Sur les opérateurs de Green des problèmes de Cauchy abstraits | 285-328 |
S. Mazur | Conference on functional analysis (September 4-10, 1960, Warsaw) | 1-6 |
H. Steinhaus | Stefan Banach | 7-15 |
A. Alexiewicz | The two-norm spaces | 17-20 |
R. Arens | The group of invertible elements of a commutative Banach algebra | 21-23 |
Ю. Березанский | Некоторые применения пространств с отрицательной нормой | 25-26 |
S. Rolewicz C. Bessaga A. Pełczyński | Approximative dimension of linear topological spaces and some of its applications | 27-29 |
A. Calderón | Intermediate spaces and interpolation | 31-34 |
L. Ehrenpreis | The fundamental principle and some of its applications | 35-36 |
G. Frichera | Tensorial measures and homology on a compact differentiable manifold | 37-38 |
S. Hartman | R-fastperiodische Funktionen | 39-40 |
E. Hewitt | Measure algebras on locally compact groups: a case history in functional analysis | 41-52 |
E. Hille | Linear differential equations in Banach algebras | 53-54 |
R. James | Characterizations of reflexive Banach spaces | 55-56 |
М. Катетов | О квазиметрических свойствах | 57-68 |
V. Klee | Topological structure of infinite-dimensional linear spaces: the classification problem | 69-71 |
K. Maurin | Mappings of Hilbert-Schmidt type; their applications to eigenfunction expansions and elliptic boundary problems | 73-74 |
E. Michael | Continuous selections in Banach spaces | 75-76 |
J. Mikusiński | Operators and distributions | 77-78 |
С. Никольский | О теоремах вложения для классов дифференцируемых функций многих переменных | 79-88 |
A. Pietsch | Verallgemeinerte vollkommene Folgenräume | 89-91 |
Z. Semadeni | Isomorphic properties of Banach spaces of continuous functions | 93-108 |
A. Shields H. Shapiro | Interpolation in Hilbert spaces of analytic functions | 109-110 |
R. Sikorski | Determinants in Banach spaces | 111-116 |
С. Соболев | О кубатурных формулах | 117-118 |
B. Nagy | Un calcul fonctionnel pour les opérateurs linéaires de l'espace hilbertien et certaines de ses applications | 119-127 |
Я. Тагамлицний | О методе крайних точек | 129-130 |
A. Taylor | The minimum modulus of a linear operator, and its use for estimates in spectral theory | 131-132 |
В. Владимнров | О применении свойств областей голоморфности к дифференциальным уравнениям | 133-135 |
K. Zeller | Lineare Räume und Limitierung | 137-138 |
Z. Zieleźny | Über die Mengen der regulären und singulären Punkte einer Distribution | 139-140 |
W. Żelazko | Some remarks on topological algebras | 141-149 |