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Acta Arithmetica

Tom 36

Warszawa 1980

Spis treści

I. Luthar
M. Duggal
Transference theorems in completions of A-fields of non-zero characteristic1-6
M. Knight
W. Webb
Uniform distribution of third order linear recurrence sequences7-20
T. ShoreyOn the greatest prime factor of (ax^m + by^n)21-25
G. RamharterÜber das Mordellsche Umkehrproblem für den Minkowskischen Linearformensatz27-41
F. Halter-KochÜber Radikalerweiterungen43-58
P. Pleasants
S. Allen
The number of different lengths of irreducible factorization of a natural number in an algebraic number field59-86
L. CarlitzA note on some polynomial identities87-89
. Publication list: J. G. van der Corput91-99
A. SchinzelAddendum and corrigendum to the paper "Abelian binomials, power residues and exponential congruences", Acta Arith. 32(1977), pp. 245-274101-104
L. Chawla
R. Girse
A generalization of an Euler formula in partition theory105-106
K. Inkeri
A. van der Poorten
Some remarks on Fermat's conjecture107-111
W. VélezOn normal binomials113-124
K. ThanigasalamOn sums of powers and a related problem125-141
J. CoquetUne remarque sur les suites équiréparties à croissance lente143-146
Я. МозерДоказательство гипотезы Е.К.Титчмарша в теории дзета-функции Римана147-156
J. CoquetSur certaines suites uniformément équiréparties modulo 1157-162
K. NortonAcknowledgment of priority163-163
V. EnnolaOn the representation of units by cyclotomic polynomials165-170
H. IwaniecRosser's sieve171-202
A. Rotkiewicz
R. Wasén
Lehmer's numbers203-217
T. KløveCongruences for the partition function modulo powers of 5219-227
L. GoldsteinZeta functions and Eichler integrals229-256
F. TuttasÜber die Entwicklung multiplikativer Funktionen nach Ramanujan-Summen257-270
M. PetersDefinite binary quadratic forms with class number one271-272
K. VäänänenOn linear forms of a certain class of G-functions and p-adic G-functions273-295
P. TuránOn a problem of E. Landau297-313
S. SchuurOn systems of three quadratic forms315-322
G. MullenEquivalence classes of sets of functions over a finite field323-329
G. Jogesh BabuOn the distributions of multiplicative functions331-340
J. PintzOn the remainder term of the prime number formula I. On a problem of Littlewood341-365
W. QuaasBerechnung eines Integrals, das bei der Bestimmung des Ranges der Schar der Siegelschen Modulformen auftritt367-375
J. WaldspurgerFormes quadratiques à 4 variables et relèvement377-405
R. DvornicichLinear independence of 'logarithms' in linear varieties407-417

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