P. Blanksby C. Lloyd-Smith M. McAuley | On diameters of algebraic integers | 1-9 |
M. Balazard | Sur la moyenne des exposants dans la decomposition en facteurs premiers | 11-23 |
J. De Koninck A. Mercier | Les fonctions arithmétiques et le plus grand facteur premier | 25-48 |
K. Kramer A. Candiotti | On the 2-Sylow subgroup of the Hilbert kernel of $K_{2}$ of number fields | 49-65 |
K. Indlekofer | Über Verallgemeinerungen der Turán-Kubilius Ungleichung | 67-73 |
P. Zarzycki | On a certain additive function on the Gaussian integers | 75-90 |
E. Selmer | Sub-bases of pleasant h-bases | 91-94 |
M. Nathanson X. Jia | A simple construction of minimal asymptotic bases | 95-101 |
K. Williams K. Hardy | The class number of pairs of positive-definite binary quadratic forms | 103-117 |
N. Watt | A problem on semicubical powers | 119-140 |
E. Krätzel | The distribution of powerful integers of type 4 | 141-145 |
G. Gras | Relations congruentielles linéaires entre nombres de classes de corps quadratiques | 147-162 |
K. Bartz | An effective order of Hecke-Landau zeta functions near the line σ=1, II (some applications) | 163-170 |
U. Zannier | On the linear independence of roots of unity over finite extensions of Q | 171-182 |
R. Tichy G. Larcher | Some number-theoretical properties of generalized sum-of-digit functions | 183-196 |
J. Voloch | On the number of values taken by a polynomial over a finite field | 197-201 |
W. Duke | Some problems in multidimensional analytic number theory | 203-228 |
M. Grandet-Hugo | Une nouvelle caractérisation des éléments de Pisot dans l'anneau des adèles de Q | 229-239 |
A. Ivić M. Ouellet | Some new estimates in the Dirichlet divisor problem | 241-253 |
M. Le | The diophantine equation $x^{2} + D^{m} = p^{n}$ | 255-265 |
D. Berend | Density modulo 1 in local fields | 267-282 |
D. Klusch | On Mellin-Ramanujan expansions | 283-292 |
J. Pomykała | Bilinear form of the remainder term in the Rosser-Iwaniec sieve of dimension ϰ ∈ (1/2,1) | 293-306 |
N. Costa-Pereira | Elementary estimates for the Chebyshev function 𝜓(x) and for the Mobius function M(x) | 307-337 |
T. Fryska K. Bartz | An effective estimate for the density of zeros of Hecke-Landau zeta-functions | 339-352 |
E. Lipkin | On representation of r-th powers by subset sums | 353-365 |
J. Conrey A. Ghosh | On mean values of the zeta-function, II | 367-371 |
R. Odoni | On the distribution of norms of ideals in given ray-classes and the theory of central ray-class fields | 373-397 |
P. Erdös M. Nathanson | Additive bases with many representations | 399-406 |