V. Artamonov | Nonfree projectives in products of group varieties | 7-13 |
V. Salii | Regular elements in complete uniquely complemented lattices | 15-19 |
J. Bahturin | On basic and axiomatic ranks of nilpotent varieties of Lie algebras | 21-30 |
K. Segerberg | A completeness theorem in the modal logic of programs | 31-46 |
P. Köhler | Brouwerian semilattices: The lattice of total subalgebras | 47-56 |
A. Lašhi | Projections of mixed Lie rings | 57-66 |
I. Rival B. Sands | How many four-generated simple lattices | 67-72 |
M. Stem | On the theory of Baer lattices | 73-74 |
H. Andréka I. Németi | Direct limite and filtered colimits are strongly equivalent in all categories | 75-88 |
M. Fitting | A generalization of elementary formal systems | 89-96 |
D. Dorninger G. Eigenthaler | On compatible and order-preserving functions on lattices | 97-104 |
J. Jakubik | Projectable kernel of a lattice ordered group | 105-112 |
J. Ryšlinková T. Sturm | Two closure operators which preserve m-compacticity | 113-119 |
M. Roczen | The concept of (v)-equivalence in algebraic deformation theory | 121-126 |
I. Sain | On classes of algebraic systems closed with respect to quotients | 127-131 |
H. Werner | Sheaf constructions in universal algebra and model theory | 133-179 |
L. Skornjakov | On the wreath product of monoids | 181-185 |
J. Browkin | The functor K2 for the ring of integers of a number field | 187-195 |
W. Nöbauer | Local polynomial functions: Results and problems | 197-202 |
J. Płonka | On bounding congruences in some algebras having the lattice structure | 203-207 |
S. Bloom | Iterative and metric algebraic theories | 209-224 |
M. Sekanina | On system of subobject functors in the category of ordered sets | 225-232 |
J. Krempa | Homomorphisms of group rings | 233-255 |
V. Trnková J. Adámek | Analyses of languages accepted by varietor machines in category | 257-272 |
L. Polák | Weak automorphisms of l-unary algebras | 273-275 |
D. Skordev | An algebraic treatment of flow diagrams and its application to generalized recursion theory | 277-287 |
L. Iturrioz | Modal operators on symmetrical Heyting algebras | 289-303 |
M. Janowitz | Applications of the theory of partially ordered sets to cluster analysis | 305-319 |
K. Rosenbaum | Induzierte symplektische Moduln | 321-328 |
H. Bandelt | On regularity classes of binary relations | 329-333 |
M. Kolibiar | Intervals, convex sublattices and subdirect representations of lattices | 335-339 |
S. Thomason | Undecidability of the completeness problem of modal logic | 341-345 |
H. Hoehnke | Heterogeneous monoid automata and admissible bisystems | 347-368 |
J. Varlet | Regularity in p-algebras and p-semilattices | 369-378 |
D. Dalen | The creative subject and Heyting's arithmetic | 379-382 |
K. Głazek T. Katriňák | Weak homomorphisms of distributive p-algebras | 383-390 |
K. Denecke | Präprimale Algebren, die arithmetische Varietäten erzeugen | 391-398 |
A. Wiweger A. Obtułowicz | Categorical, functorial and algebraic aspects of the type-free lambda calculus | 399-422 |
K. Iséki | Some problems of BCK-algebras and griss type algebras | 423-430 |
C. Rauszer H. Ono | On an algebraic and Kripke semantics for intermediate logics | 431-438 |
K. Magill | Some open problems and directions for further research in semigroups of continuous selfmaps | 439-454 |